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3rd Infantry Division (Mech)
Rock of the Marne
(Page 3 - Brigades & Aviation Units)
Looking for more information from military/civilian
personnel assigned to or associated with the U.S. Army
in Germany from 1945 to 1989. If you have any
stories or thoughts on the subject, please contact me .
1st Brigade |
1st Brigade, 3rd Inf Div (M) DUI |
1974 |
(Source: Email from Earl M. George) |
HQ 1st Bde, 3 ID and HHC 1st BDe moved from Ledward BKs to Conn Bks sometime early 1974, I believe.
I was with 2nd Bn, 30th Inf from March 72 till like Oct or Nov 73 when I got the Assistant S-1 1st Bde job.
I believed we moved because BG Willard Latham, the Schweinfurt Community Leader and Assistant Div commander wanted us out of the HQ building. We therefore moved to Conn Barracks.
I left the Brigade in early March 1975. |
Mid-1970s |
Photos were provided by Markus Bach from Rothenburg o/T, Germany; originals came from Randy Oliff, 1st Bde, mid 1970s.
Webmaster note: AFV Interiors - A great website with lots of informstion on US battle tanks including the M60A2 |
1st Bde, 3rd Inf Div
Conn Bks, Schweinfurt |

1. M577 command vehicle

2. M578 recovery vehicle assists with track maintenance

3. M60 on Hohenfels road

4. The 'business end' of an M60 |

5. M60A2 in Conn Bks tank park |

6. M60A2 on road at Conn Bks |

7. M60A2 |

8. M60A2 at Hohenfels |

9. AH-1 Cobra

10. CH-47 Chinook
1980 |
(Source: USAREUR Telephone Directory - Troop Units, Spring 1980) |
ORGANIZATION (Spring 1980): |
Hq/Hqs Company |
Schweinfurt |
1st Bn, 30th Inf |
Schweinfurt |
2nd Bn, 30th Inf |
Schweinfurt |
2nd Bn, 64th Arm |
Schweinfurt |
3rd Bn, 64th Arm |
Schweinfurt |
first unit in USAREUR to receive the M-1 ABRAMS (early 1982) |
3rd Sq, 7th Cav |
Schweinfurt |
2nd Brigade |
2nd Brigade, 3rd Inf Div (M) DUI |
1967 |
(Source: Email from David Adams) |

1st LT David Adams
Adams outside of the
Bravo Company Barracks
I have photos from Harvey Barracks in Kitzingen during the Cold War (1967-1969) when I was with the 1/15th Infantry (Mech) and the 1/64th Armor.
I read with interest the articles on the 3rd Aviation Battalion and the old photos. Indeed, the 3rd AV BN was redesignated Detachment C, 3rd S & T Bn in early 1967.
At that time, the unit added UH-1 Bravos (Hueys) to their unit beside the old H-13 bubbletop chopper and several fixed wing aircraft, including the L-20.
During my tour @ Harvey Barracks, Kitzingen, Germany from 1967 to 69, I was the 2nd Brigade, 3rd I.D. air observer, but was still permanently assigned as Recon Platoon Leader to Bravo Company, 1-15th Inf (Mech). At the time, the Brigade Commander was COL Tim May.
I put a lot of hours in those Hueys from routine missions, patrols, and to Operation REFORGER in, I believe, 1969 where then Secretary of the Army, Stanley Resor, was in attendence to observe joint combat operations training. My pilots were CWO Jack Holtsizer and CWO Chuck Schenck. Both rotated from Vietnam before joining the unit. I believe Jack was a gunship pilot with the 1st Cav and I know for sure that Chuck was a "Dust-off" pilot who was shot down twice in 'Nam during Med Evac operations.
There were 2 other Huey pilots, a pilot named Mark who we nicknamed "Fat Albert" and another named Randy who we nicknamed "Omar" because the guy was a deadringer for the actor Omar Sharif. There were other individuals associated with the unit whose names, unfortunately, escape me.
The unit commander at the time was an LTC and the XO was a MAJ who was a really terrific guy.
There was one humorous story I must relate. In 1968, there was a young, shavetail WO assigned to the unit. One Sunday, he decided to get his flight time in and took off in an H-13 using IFR conditions (I Follow Rivers). Cruising above the Main River near Kitzingen, he spied two young, German beauties topless sunbathing on shore. He dropped altitude for a closer look and struck a power line in doing so. The tailrotor snapped and he had to pull an auto-rotation. The H-13 was almost a complete loss but, he walked away uninjured. The unit XO was furious. Within 3 weeks, this kid had orders for 'Nam. Too funny! |
1980 |
(Source: USAREUR Telephone Directory - Troop Units, Spring 1980) |
ORGANIZATION (Spring 1980): |
Hq/Hqs Company |
Kitzingen |
1st Bn, 15th Inf |
Kitzingen |
2nd Bn, 15th Inf |
Wildflecken |
1st Bn, 64th Arm |
Kitzingen |
3rd Brigade |

Mural found in Bldg 404, Ready Barracks, May 2012 (Martin Kühnel) |
3rd Brigade, 3rd Inf Div (M) DUI |
1973 |
(Source: Email from Wayne Lutz, HHC, 3rd Bde, 3rd Inf Div (M)) |
Wayne Lutz and
"The Little Bastard"
Having served two tours in Germany during the cold war I enjoy your site, of course. In particular I get a kick out of the photos of Ready Kasern, in Aschaffenburg, which in my time (1973-76) was home to HQ, 3rd Brigade, 3rd ID.
The attached photos were taken in late Spring/early Summer 1973. The first is the tank just inside the main gate of Ready Barracks, in Aschaffenburg. I don't remember the history of the tank dubbed "The Little Bastard," but I do remember hearing that several years after my time there a decision was made that the name was not PC and it was painted over.
The building directly behind is Building 406, which at that time was the barracks for HHC, 3rd Brigade, 3rd Infantry Division. The second photo attached is the sign outside the door of that building. |
You have some great photos on your site of 406, as well as 405, the mess hall which I remember well, and 401 to the right of that, which was the headquarters of the 3rd Brigade, housing the Commander's office, S-2, S-3, S-4 and other administrative offices. I was in the commo platoon, I was a teletype operator. There was a very secure room in that HQ (Building 401) on the second floor. This room was the communications center for the HQ. Our commo was teletype, and it was encrypted by "crypto" equipment. I held a "Top-Secret, Crypto" security clearance for the purposes of working this communications center.
The building shown in my photo of the tank is 406, the barracks. I had a two-man room on the first floor, far right, rear. The German/American boy who carried the STARS & STRIPES newspaper used to deliver mine to me through the window.
A few days ago I found some photos of those buildings, just a coincidental find on the web, taken by a guy who had done a motorcycle trip in Aschaffenburg. He photographed the same buildings, and the year was 2005. The buildings were crumbling and abandoned. He also had a photo of the community chapel across the street from Ready barracks, the very chapel in which my wife (A German Girl) and I were married in 1975. I contacted this guy and he responded, and if you would be interested in those I'm sure he would let you publish them.
Again, I very much appreciate your website. I am proud of my three years of service in the 3rd Infantry Division in A-burg. I later did another 3 year tour on Spangdahlem Air Base, on the Mosel River near Bitburg. |

The Walker Bulldog static display at Ready Barracks, Aschaffenburg (Michael d'Oliveira)
1977 |
(Source: Email from Daniel Terrell) |
I was 1 Lt, platoon leader of 3Plt, B Co. 4th Bn, 64th Arm.
We were sent to Vilsek and picked up M60A2. It was described to us as the "Starship".
The next Bn tank gunnery my platoon shot #1, with my crew as top gun. Each year the #1 crew put their names on a Walker Bulldog static display. With my crew's agreement we placed all crew members names on the tank that year. You have a picture of that.
The resolution is not good enough to read the names, but it is the only year #1 platoon, and #1 crew had their names on the Walker Bulldog.
< My platoon sergeant, SFC FRANK COX, with his tank at the end of REFORGER 1977/78.
1980 |
(Source: USAREUR Telephone Directory - Troop Units, Spring 1980) |
ORGANIZATION (Spring 1980): |
Hq/Hqs Company |
Ready Bks, Aschaffenburg |
1st Bn, 4th Inf |
Fiori Bks, Aschaffenburg |
1st Bn, 7th Inf |
Graves Bks, Aschaffenburg |
4th Bn, 64th Arm |
Ready Bks, Aschaffenburg |
1983 |
(Source: ASCHAFFENBURG FORUM, April 27, 1983) |
Impact of the ARMY MODERNIZATION PROGRAM on 3rd Brigade and the Aschaffenburg Community
The United States Army is currently involved in the most extensive peacetime modernization program in its history. A large part of this modernization is taking place in unit reorganization and aquisition of new weapons and equipment. Part of the changes are already taking place in Aschaffenburg.
The transition of the 4/64th Armor from the M60 tank to the M1 was probably the most visible change that has taken place, but it is simply the first of many. As part of the transition to the new tank the Tuskers went from three to four line companies and similar changes are now being undertaken by the two infantry battalions.
Under the Army's Division 86 organizational pIan the infantry battalions will go from a Headquarters Company, one Combat Support Company and three line companies to a Headquarters Company, one Anti-tank Company and four line companies. Under the new organization we will be able to move faster, communicate better and we will have more firepower," according to 1LT Emory Helton, Force Modernization Specialist for the 3rd Brigade.
Two new companies
The two new line companies are being formed by adding A Co 2/15 and C Co 2/15, they will become D Co 1/7th and D Co 1/4th. This should be accomplished by the middle of May. At the same time the Combat Support Companies in each battalion will be eliminated, the TOW sections will become part of the anti-tank company and the rest of the personnel will be transfered to Headquarters Company.
Under the new organization Headquarters Company will be larger than the rest of the companies. "Initially we will have some problems with the additional people because of the shortage of quarters and economy housing, this problem will be reduced when the 3rd Medical Battalion is moved to Giebelstadt, which is supposed to take place later this year," according to Helton.
Another change the modernization will bring to Aschaffenburg is the forming of a new battalion which will be based here. Called the 3rd Forward Support Battalion this unit will provide fuel, transportation, and maintenance support to the units here. "The 703rd Maint. Company will become the heart of the new battalion. One of the changes that will occur with the new unit will be the establishment of contact teams which will provide direct maintenance support to the units at the unit's motor pool. Instead of taking the equipment to them they will come to the units," added Helton.
New equipment
In addition to the personnel changes the modernization will introduce many new weapons and additional equipment to Aschaffenburg. The next major piece of new equipment we will receive is the Bradley M2 Fighting Vehicle.
Aschaffenburg will be one of the first communities in USAREUR to receive the M2. "This vehicle will force the infantrymen to become much more team oriented. They will have to become used to working as a crew, and their basic tactics will change because with the new vehicle they will be trained to fight from the mounted position as much as possible."
"The M2 has vastly superior firepower to the M 113 it is replacing, especially long range kill capability. With the TOW system on this vehicle you can knock out a tank at over 3000 meters, that's more range than the Soviet tanks have," according to Helton.
To aid in maintenance on the new vehicle the maintenance bays at Fiori are being renovated and a new facility with high speed wash rack is being built at Graves.
Most of these changes will have very little impact on family members, except for the short-term housing crush which we will face this summer. Over the long range there will only be a net increase of thirty five families in this area.
Eventually the Division 86 plan will encompass all the units in Aschaffenburg, there will be new organizations and equipment for the engineers and the artillery but these changes are still a few years down the line.
"We are going thru these changes so we can create more of a deterrent, we will have a stronger base from which to maintain peace without action," added IL T Helton.
(Source: ASCHAFFENBURG FORUM, May 25, 1983)
As part of the transition to the Division 86 Concept, the 1st Battalion 7th Infantry ("Cottonbalers") recently activated another line company, Delta Company. Col Foley CO 3rd Bde) aided by LTC Seavy Bain presented the company with its colors. Capt Singleton is the new company's commanding officer.
(Source: ASCHAFFENBURG FORUM, Nov 9, 1983)
In a ceremony held recently on Fiori Kaserne, the 1st Battalion, 4th Infantry ("Warriors") deactivated Combat Support Company and activated Anti-Armor Company.
The Mortar and Scout Sections that were part of CSC have been assigned to Headquarters Company. The rest of CSC will form the nucleus of the AA Company under the direction of Capt Larry Peppins and SFC Larry F. Jewell. |
3rd Division Artillery |
3rd Infantry Division Artillery Pocket Patch |
Early 1980s |
1st Bn, 10th FA |
2nd Bn, 39th FA |
2nd Bn, 41st FA |
3rd Bn, 76th FA |
Btry A, 25th FA (TA) |
1960 |
(Source: Email from Jimmy Smith, 6th Bn, 18th Arty, 1960-62) |
I served with "A" Battery, 6th Bn of the 18th Arty in Aschaffenburg, Germany from 6/1960 to 12/1962....I have photos of A Btry and some of the guys that served.
The 6/18 was disbanded in April of 1963 (Webmaster note: probably as part of the division reorganization under ROAD.)
(Click here to see Jimmy's Ready Barracks photos on the Aschaffenburg Page.) |

1. (KB)

2. (KB)

3. (KB)

4. (KB) |

5. (KB) |

6. KB) |
DivArty ROAD Changes (1963) |
1967 |
(Source: USAREUR STATION LIST, 30 June 1967) |
Hq/Hqs Battery |
Larson Bks, Kitzingen |
1st Rkt Bn, 9th Arty (3) |
Larson Bks, Kitzingen |
1st How Bn, 10th Arty (1) |
Ledward Bks, Schweinfurt |
2nd How Bn, 39th Arty (1) |
Ledward Bks, Schweinfurt |
2nd How Bn, 41st Arty (1) |
Fiori Bks, Aschaffenburg |
3rd How Bn, 76th Arty (2) |
Larson Bks, Kitzingen |
(1) 155mm SP |
(2) 155mm / 8in SP |
(3) Honest John |
1980 |
(Source: USAREUR Telephone Directory - Troop Units, Spring 1980) |
ORGANIZATION (Spring 1980): |
Hq/Hqs Battery |
Kitzingen |
1st Bn, 10th FA |
Schweinfurt |
2nd Bn, 39th FA |
Schweinfurt |
2nd Bn, 41st FA |
Bad Kissingen |
1st Bn, 76th FA |
Kitzingen |
B TAB, 29th FA |
Wertheim |
Brigade Units |
1st Bn, 4th Inf
1st Bn, 7th Inf
1st Bn, 15th Inf
2nd Bn, 15th Inf
1st Bn, 30th Inf
2nd Bn, 30th Inf
. . . .
3rd Bn, 63rd Arm
1st Bn, 64th Arm
2nd Bn, 64th Arm
3rd Bn, 64th Arm
4th Bn, 64th Arm
1st Bn, 68th Arm
. . . .
1st Battle Group, 7th Infantry |

Click on map for higher res image w/ building schedule
(If you have more information/corrections for any time period
contact the webmaster
-- see email link at top of page) |
1962 |
(Source: Email from Paul Kelly, 1st Battle Group, 7th Infantry) |
I was stationed in Germany in the Third Infantry Division, from 1 Mar 1963 to 12 Sep 1965.
I was in Company B, 1st Battle Group, 7th Infantry at Graves Kaserne, Aschaffenburg, West Germany, from Mar 1963 until June 1963. When the Army instituted the ROAD Concept, I became a "Charter Member" of HHC Third Brigade, Third Infantry Division (Mech), at Ready Barracks, A-burg.
In Feb 1965 I was assigned to Company A, 1st Battalion,7th Infantry, back in Graves Kaserne!
I am familiar with Graves Barracks and can point out some of the sites (see annotated installation map above).
Just before the Battle Group became First Batt, President Kennedy came to Germany, in June of 1963, to deliver his famous "Ich bin ein Berliner" speech in Berlin. The President "Trooped the Line" of various 7th Army Troops, arrayed on the Tarmac at Fliegerhorst Kaserne, in Hanau. Hanau was about 16 Klicks up the Autobahn, from Aschaffenburg, where I was stationed with the 1st BG. One of the Senior NCO's grabbed a bunch of us ("You, you, and you, get in Class A's and be in the Company Street in 15 minutes"!) We were to go up to Hanau, as spectators, for the President's visit.
I must say it was one of my favorite moments in my time in Germany, not to mention my young life. He rode right by where we were standing, and I can still see the sunlight hitting his red hair! I kept the program, with it's attached orders. It has a drawing of his route of entry into the Parade Ground Area, something, after 11/22/63, that I am sure was never done again!
Shortly after Kennedy's visit, the ROAD Concept was put in place! 1st BG 7th Infantry transferred into 3rd Brigade, 3rd Infantry Division (Mech). The old BG HQ, located in Ready Barracks, became 3rd Brigade HQ. Company's A, B, and C of 1st BG became 1st Battalion, 7th Infantry. Part of the Combat Support Company of 1st BG was integrated into HHC 1st Bn, 7th Infantry. All of these units were located now in Graves.
2nd Battalion, 7th Infantry was created by taking Company's D and E of 1st BG to become Company's A and B of 2nd Battalion. An Infantry Company from the (I believe 2nd BG 38th Infantry, located in Schweinfurt or Kitzingen, further south), was brought up to become Company C, 2nd Bn, 7th Infantry. Elements of Combat Support also were utilized to flesh out HHC 2/7 Infantry.
The 38th Infantry was retired from the 3rd Division and was represented in the newly re-activated 2nd Infantry Division, at Ft. Benning.
I ended up in HHC 3rd Brigade, as part of a newly formed Brigade Band! That is another "interesting", but short term assignment, worthy of a telling at a later date!
Also, "Ich bin ein Berliner" actually means "I am a Jelly Doughnut"! Adding the article "Ein" changes the meaning of the expression! I hope Kennedy fired the guy that missed that little piece of translation! A simple "Ich bin Berliner" would have gotten the point across!
Some notes concerning the map: The "Track Park" (No. 14) was where the Battalion kept it's Armored Personnel Carriers.
There was a Gym somewhere, over by the Movie Theater, but I can not remember where. I can't remember the other buildings.
The "Heli-pad was not there in 1963-65 when I was stationed in A-burg.
History has it that the pre-World War German "Heer" 106th Infantry Regiment was stationed at Graves. I think that unit needed in Norway for occupation duty during the war.
In the 3rd Brigade Headquarters building they maintained the History Museum of the 7th Infantry. All of the old Flags, pictures, memento's were kept there. As the Regiment was the most decorated Infantry Regiment in the Army (60 rings on the Regimental Standard, then, and after Vietnam; The Gulf War, Iraq and Afghanistan, about 20 more) it was quite a place to see. They also had a large bale of cotton. Placed near the entrance to the Offices in the HQ. The Cotton bale had been donated by the City of New Orleans, in honor of the defense of that City during the Battle Of New Orleans in the War of 1812. Thus the Regimental name "The Cottonbalers", signifying the use of Cotton bales as defensive works by the 7th Infantry! I hope this information is helpful to you. |
1st Battalion, 7th Infantry |
"Escalade" training - rappelling and scaling; learning the techniques for climbing
different types of surfaces (Jim Nordahl) |
"Piste" obstacle course - learning to cross streams and other obstacles (Jim Nordahl) |
1979 |
(Source: Email from Jim Nordahl) |
The above photos were all taken at the French Commando School No. 7 at Trier, Germany.
Our Battalion formed a composite platoon - one squad from each company - and we joined a French company undergoing the "piste." (Note: The "piste" is a two-hour session in the mornings where the troops must overcome obstacles, single and double-cable bridges, barbed wire and other challenges.)
I was fortunate to be selected as the platoon leader.
One photo shows several members of the compsite platoon soldiers floating down the river on self made poncho rafts.
All the others show soldiers negotiating some of the quite extensive obstacles on the many courses at the school.
The French Commando School at Trier was officially known as the "Centre d'Entrainement Commando 7" (CEC7) and located at Quartier Castelnau (Castelnau Barracks) in Trier-Feyen.
The three-week training at the school is aimed at building confidence and endurance under tough and unusual conditions. It involves everything from timed runs, company marches and obstacle courses to covert night missions. |
Quartier Castelnau, Trier (French postcard) |
Hqs building, Centre d'Entrainement Commando 7, Quartier Castelnau, Trier (Facebook) |
In the field at Graf: photos from one of the battalion's several training cycles at the training area. |
Cleaning tracks at the wash rack at Grafenwoehr (Jim Nordahl) |
Support platoon lining up to depart Graf after a long training evolution - (Jim Nordahl) |
I was very proud of the Philip A. Connelly award winners for Best Field Mess in the Army 1982. |
Awards received in consecutive years at the 1st Bn, 7th Inf mess hall (Jim Nordahl) |
The mess hall team in front of a field mess (Jim Nordahl) |

1. The team

2. The work area
2nd Battalion, 15th Infantry |
2nd Bn, 15th Infantry DUI |
2/15th INF barracks area (Dennis Odlum) |
2/15th INF mess hall (Dennis Odlum) |
2/15th INF motor pool (Dennis Odlum) |
1973 |
(Source: Email from Dennis Odlum) |
I spent some time in southern California in the early 1970's. So when I did enlist in 1972, the recruiter gave me some Basic Training choices, one being Fort Ord, outside of Monterey, California. I said, how great is this! It was November, and northern California is NOT pleasent in November! Misty, rainy, cold, foggy, windy, you name it, it was there! I even got to guard the golf course with a baseball bat!! I think Fort Ord would have been an ideal permanent station, but not for a trainee.
After Ord, AIT in Fort Polk was uneventful.
I was selected to attend post-AIT in Fort Knox at APC School for 4 weeks.
I flew to Frankfurt April 1973, and spent 2-3 days in the replacement depot. One of the first speeches we got was the good German posts, and where you don't WANT TO GO. Wildflecken always led those lists! Newbies were asked not to leave the depot walls, nobody listened.
I was assigned to the 3rd Infantry Division in Wurzburg, without the umlaut. Wurzburg was one of the nicer posts. I got other speeches of the various 3rd Inf posts, and where not to go. Again, Wildflecken led that list too. How lucky could I get!! Spent about 2 days in Wurzburg. Again, newbies were asked not to leave the post, nobody listened. |
Area in front of the Wildflecken Service Club (Dennis Odlum) |
Several of the buildings on D Street (Dennis Odlum) |
Some of the troop barracks and mess halls on C Street (Dennis Odlum) |
Got to Wildflecken early April. The battalion was actually in Garmish Partenkirchen for winter training, so the battalion buildings were rather empty, so I pulled guard duty. There, I got to guard an ammo dump with an M-16, of course no ammo. In retrospect, Wildflecken wasn't too far from the border, and we were guarding missiles with empty weapons.
Wildflecken is midway between Fulda and Wurzburg, in the Rhoen Mountains. The post buildings were all off-white and black roofs, and mostly the same shape and architecture. If anything, the Germans were always consistent!
The camp was a German army camp during the war, and became a DP (displaced person) camp after the war. Mostly civilians, POWs, and concentration camp survivors trying to make their way back home after the war, wherever home was, Poland, Russia, Holland, etc. The camp site in a hill above the village.
Wildflecken village is a farming community about a klick from post..
I was assigned to B Compan, 2nd Bn, 15th Inf. I was in a line company for about 9 months, but in those 9 months: (1) the Division participated in 1973 REFORGER, against the 82nd Airborne near Nuremberg (whole other story, different email), (2) the squad I was in participated in the Division MISPIC (Mechanized Infantry Squad Proficiency Course) and we won the compitition, quite an honor, and (3), spent about 10 days in Hohenfels in December. Not where you want to be in December. By the time you got your heat tab lit, your canteen froze. The CO said, if you get frostbite, I'll give you an Article 15!
Eventually, someone found out I could type, and I became the TAMMS (The Army Maintenance Management System) clerk in the motor pool, kinda like the office manager. Relatively, easy assignment, fun, could be boring. Right next to the post snack bar. I volunteered for a lot of coffee runs!
I got married in 1974, moved off post and lived on a farm in Breitenbach, about 12 miles from post. Fresh milk, eggs, slabs of pork when a pig was slain. I helped deliver a calf once. I got involved...on a very small scale...in the black market: cigarettes, whiskey, soap detergent, ice cream, mostly to the landlord. Lot of German beer, lot of skiing actually, too. |
Troop barracks on the western end of Camp Wildflecken (Dennis Odlum) |
Troop barracks on the western end of Camp Wildflecken (Dennis Odlum) |
My neighbor was the director of the AYA (American Youth Activity) on Wildflecken. Kinda like a Boy's and Girl's Club for dependents, ages up thru high school. He offered me the Sports Director position. I was able to get reassigned from the infantry to post headquarters for the duration of my Wildflecken time. Organized teams, games, uniforms, officials, banquets. No army uniform, no formations, no roll call, no maneuvers, no APC's, no mess halls. Lived off post, living the life. Plus, any hours over 40, I was able to submit a time sheet to Post Headquarters, and was paid for. My wife got a paid job also as Recreation Director. What a gig!!
About 4 klicks from post was the Kreuzburg Monastery (brewery). Many a walk there and back on the weekends. It's on top of the mountain, so walking to it was uphill, going back was easier, especially after 1 or 2 steins of their stout.
You know, for a post that had a terrible reputation, had terrible weather, remote as hell, I really think most soldiers who were there really enjoyed all those aspects of Wildflecken, Top of the Rock, and all that.
There was some racial tension, much drug use from the returning vets from Vietnam, but I'm sure that was not uncommon in Germany in the mid-70's.
I went to Fort Stewart to the 24th Infantry Division into a CSC Company, Recon Platoon for two more years. Got out after 5 active duty years, into the Connecticut National Guard for 8 more years again in an infantry company as the Weapons Platoon Sergeant. Got ont an E-7.
I suppose two regrets:
1. Didn't stay active duty longer, maybe the full 20 or more. My wife didn't care for the life.
2. Or, stayed longer in the Guard to get to 20 or longer..... |
2nd Bn, 15th Inf

1. A Street buildings

2. 2/15 battalion area

3. Possibly Bldg 154

4. F Street |

5. Tradional Bavarian group |
Jim and buddies in Class A's (Jim Nordahl) |
Jim in the field with an M60 machine gun (Jim Nordahl) |
Running to catch a chopper to the training exercise (Jim Nordahl) |
1975 |
(Source: Email from Jim Nordahl) |
I have some photos of 2nd Battalion, 15th Infantry at Wildflecken from 1975-76. |

1. Gasthaus |

2. APC rafting |

3. FTX |

4. Rappelling |
3rd Battalion, 63rd Armor |
1982 |
(Source: AUGSBURG SCENE, April 15, 1982) |
Armor battalion revamps concept
The activation of D Company - 3rd Battalion, 63rd Armor's fourth tank company and deactivation of Combat Support Company was the occasion for the ceremony held April 1.
The reason for this organizational change is that armor battalions, Army-wide, currently redesignate under Division 86's organization concept. Division 86 will be organized under a new table of organization and equipment. According to Maj. Hondo Campbell, Battalion Operations Officer, this reorganization will make the battalion, as a whole, more combat effective.
Capt. Charles Lamb, former Combat Support Company Commander and now D Company Commander, said that the nature of the company changed tremendously. Approximately 60 people, who hold MOS 19E (tanker), and 14 tanks make up the fighting force in the 3/63rd Armor.
All maintenance sections, scouts mortars, air defense weapons, and armored vehicles that used to be assigned to Combat Support Company were transferred to Headquarters Company. This increased Headquarters Company's strength to 340 men.
A main attraction at the reorganization ceremony was a M-1 "Abrams" tank that was brought for the day from the M-1 Materiel Fielding Team, located in Vilseck.
3rd Battalion, 63rd Armor is slated to receive a total of 58 M-1s.
"This battalion is configured so that each one of our four tank companies will have 14 new tanks, and our headquarters tank section will have two M-1s. As it relates to this battalion, the M60 will be slowly phased out," Campbell explained. "It's a very sophisticated weapons system. There is no question in my mind -- the M-1 is the most capable system known to either the free world or other Warsaw Pact nations," he said.
The M-1 is a four-men, highly mobile and fully tracked 60-ton fighting vehicle. Improved survivability in this tank is provided by a perfected ballistic protection and the compartmentalization of service ammunition and fuel, which means that if a shell would penetrate the M-1's magazine, the exploding shells blow skyward rather than into the tank chamber where the soldiers are seated.
The M-1 also has a fully integrated day and night shoot-on-the-move fire control system, a 105mm main gun and coaxially mounted M-240 machine guns. A 1,500-horsepower turbine engine permits the M-1 a speed of 45 mph on secondary roads and 35 mph on cross country, with an acceleration from zero to 20 mph in 6.4 seconds.
According to 1 Lt. Richard Ricklefs, Intelligence Officer, the units will deploy to the Grafenwoehr and Hohenfels training areas for the initial M-1 training. A 65-day training cycle for qualifications and tactical training will prepare tank and maintenance crews for the new weapon. |
3rd Bn, 63rd Arm moves to Kitzingen
(Source: AUGSBURG SCENE, January 20, 1983) |
Article provides some historical details about the 3rd Bn, 63rd Armor's stationing in Augsburg since the 1960s and its move to Harvey Barracks, Kitzingen in early 1983. |
3rd Battalion, 64th Armor |
3rd Battalion, 64th Armor DUI |
1971 |
(Source: Email from Thomas M. Harris) |
I reported to the 3rd Bn, 64th Armor at Conn Barracks as a young Second Lieutenant in May, 1971. Within a couple of weeks, our new Battalion Commander arrived - LTC Jim Hetherly, a short, feisty, cigarette-puffing Cavalryman.
As Battalion Support Platoon Leader, I worked rather closely with Hetherly the first year of my tenure there.
I joined B Company in 1972 as a Tank Platoon Leader/Company Executive Officer.
Hetherly and his staff developed a comprehensive Tank Gunnery training plan, which eventually led to the Battalion qualifying 100% of our M-60/M-60A1 tanks in Tank Crew Qualification Course (TCQC) at Grafenwohr in March, 1973.
My platoon was the High Platoon in the Battalion, and would have been the highest in the Division, except that since Hetherly and his tank crew used one of my tanks, we were not considered a "full platoon".
At that time, no battalion had ever qualified 100% of their crews, so it was quite an experience for all of us.
LT Mike Lawler of our A Company had the highest TCQC score in USAREUR, and a number of us qualified "Distinguished". |
1977 |
(Source: Email from David R. Moya) |
No Slack Alpha: I was stationed in Schweinfurt, Germany (Conn Barracks) from 1977 to 1980. I was in First Platoon under SSgt McClure and my Tank Commander was SSgt Wright.
Looking back these were some of the best times and some of the best and most honorable men I have ever met in my life I knew I could count on all of the men in my unit and would gladly have gone to war with them. A
s I was getting ready to be discharged the only thing I had on my mind was getting out of the Army not because I hated what I was doing but because only a “Lifer” stayed in, looking back at it I should of stayed in and become a “Lifer” because you do not meet to many honorable people outside of the military.
I make a lot of money compared to military standards but you work with people who are not honorable and do not take pride in themselves and what they do. In the military you take pride in yourself, unit and work as a team which still reflects in my work, and in my standards.
I hope I can make contact with some of these men that I had the Honor to serve with. |
4th Battalion, 64th Armor |
Hq Co, 4th Bn, 64th Armor, Ready Bks, Aschaffenburg, late 1960s (Chuck Popp via Warfoto.com) |
M-88 retriever, Hq Co, 4th Bn, 64th Armor, late 1960s (Chuck Popp via Warfoto.com) |
4th Battalion, 64th Armor DUI |
1st Medium Tank Battalion, 68th Armor |
1st Med Tank Bn, 68th Armor DUI |
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